Convai Connect

Convai Team
March 18, 2024

Smart AI characters can transform your game or application and enable a level of immersion like never before. But, it can get expensive! Today's AI NPCs are powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) that require running these models on expensive GPUs. At Convai, we offer a very generous free usage of 3000 interactions per month that allows most developers to test their AI characters with a free account. Beyond that there are affordable plans that allow developers to test their characters at a small scale. But scaling for production requires investment that may not be available to indie developers. A successful game or application may be potentially played by millions of users and make it untenable to manage costs associated with our API usage. Enter Convai Connect!

Convai Connect is an innovative feature which enables developers to add a customizable Convai login widget in their applications. End users can then login with their own Convai accounts using the Free or Gamer tier. The developer does not need to pay any upfront license fee or worry about potential runaway costs as that is amortized over the end users.

Seamless Integration in Games

The Convai Connect SDK will be available as part of the Convai plugin in various platforms. A customizable widget will allow the user to login / create their Convai account. Upon successful authentication, the developer will have access to an authenticated user session that can be used in successive requests for AI character interactions. The interactions will be counted towards the individual user's quota of daily / monthly interactions.

Watch the video below to learn more about Convai Connect:

Opportunities for Revenue Sharing

Pro / Extreme gamers may want access to the latest features and upgrade their accounts to get more interactions based on their level of interest in the game. Convai will share such revenue coming from in-game upgrades with the developer. This offers the developers an incentive to build more immersive experiences without worrying about potential costs of running a popular game.

Get in touch / Apply for Convai Connect

If you are a game developer worried about the potential cost of adding smart AI NPCs to your game, please get in touch with us at to apply for a Convai Connect partnership.